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All the "Good" stuff


Well-known member
Jun 2019

I heard about this last year- didn't know how far Bill was into it though. People should also realize that MANY fireworks won't conform to CPSC standards and seen this before with Schneitters and Jakes. Sometimes it's as small as how long before a time fuse takes- non conform. Sometimes- it is truly overloaded with flash breaks.
At least they posted entire lists and photos so now everyone with Google prowess knows what the "good stuff" is....
And by next year all of these will be re wrapped into new names and brands we've never seen before...

The cat and mouse games the CPSC plays with pyros is a waste of time IMO.
Yeah exactly, this stuff will never end especially when there is such a high demand. Europe is way more progressive. I bought a salute cake in a convenient store before. They're laughing at this crap.

We can have guns though, but cannot be trusted with pyro. Hilarious!
Cpsc is a joke....50 % of those cheap dollar store toys has lead based paint on them...theres recall lists a mile long with lead in the products,and cheap ass appliances that can burn your house down.
Cpsc is a joke....50 % of those cheap dollar store toys has lead based paint on them...theres recall lists a mile long with lead in the products,and cheap ass appliances that can burn your house down.

Like it or not, a 10 year old kid didn't just have his hand blown to hamburger with lead paint.
Very so true stoney.I was talking about for the child we don't know the whole story.Did is dad just have pyro laying around in the garage?...Did he find a dud in the street?...Dont know....most of the time it's the parents own neglect...I was raised with guns and was taught never to touch them cause these can kill people.I only touched em as a child when hunting season came...but then again society has no kid,I'm way over the hill.
Very so true stoney.I was talking about for the child we don't know the whole story.Did is dad just have pyro laying around in the garage?...Did he find a dud in the street?...Dont know....most of the time it's the parents own neglect...I was raised with guns and was taught never to touch them cause these can kill people.I only touched em as a child when hunting season came...but then again society has no kid,I'm way over the hill.

Look up the grandma's recall... kids found a rocket laying on the ground, blew his hand off. :oops:

He absolutely should have known better/been taught better... but that item shouldn't even exist. it was intentionally smuggled into this country loaded with flash in a 1.4 label trying to hide it from the feds so people can make money breaking the law.

Look i love loud stuff, it's what got me into fireworks... but just because i trust myself with them doesn't mean i trust the average cart pusher with them. And we all gotta understand that when a kid looses their hand, especially this time of year, the media gets all hot in the trousers and the feds will act to calm down all the pearl clutchers.

It's a shit storm and a lot of really cool people are getting caught up in it... and i'm sorry for that. i'm also sorry for that kid who's life is ruined because someone decided it was fine to smuggle illegal explosives into the country.

It's one thing to have china screw up and send you stuff with a heaping scoop instead of a level one... but we all know that's not the case here... these are all blatant overloads and it was done on purpose and when you do something like this on such a large scale you're bound to really piss off the people who's job it is to track this stuff down and stop it from being sold to the public.

The overload game is never gonna stop, and the ones doing it will keep doing it till they get caught... when that happens, someone will step in to take their place. the money is so good it's hard for some people to resist. the names and labels will change, the feds will keep looking, the bomb sniffers will keep sniffing and the ride never stops.

I just hate when it's people i know getting caught up in it... people who love fireworks... people who've done a lot for the pyro community.
kids found a rocket laying on the ground, blew his hand off

How a rocket turned into a UXO is beyond me, but this could happen in the 1.3 world as well. Is it likely, no but how likely is this specific scenario?

The system failed that kid because of lack of information/education. If people really cared this kinda stuff it would be taught in schools just like the "Dont Do Drugs" and "Don't handle firearms" campaigns do.

Blanket bans of pyro and their restrictions is not the answer, and I'm against any government organization or lobbyist that thinks banning overloads solves anything. Anyone can have access to anything at any time, for the right price. The money would be better spent on education and not confiscation.
How a rocket turned into a UXO is beyond me, but this could happen in the 1.3 world as well. Is it likely, no but how likely is this specific scenario?

The system failed that kid because of lack of information/education. If people really cared this kinda stuff it would be taught in schools just like the "Dont Do Drugs" and "Don't handle firearms" campaigns do.

Blanket bans of pyro and their restrictions is not the answer, and I'm against any government organization or lobbyist that thinks banning overloads solves anything. Anyone can have access to anything at any time, for the right price. The money would be better spent on education and not confiscation.

lots of great points

but when the government says you can't do something, and you do it anyway, you have to expect they are going to ruin your day if they find out.

i mean we can both talk all day long about how crazy some of these laws are we are governed by... i'd imagine we'd agree on %100 of it.

like most people here my favorite color is loud, but some of this stuff is so insane... we've all seen rockets with 2 or even 3 inch salutes on them... that shit is terrifying to me TBH. not because i'm scared of it... but because i'm scared of the average person getting their hands on them and doing dumb shit.

the "hold my beer" crowd screws us constantly... i'd rather they not be armed with something that powerful... they get into enough trouble with compliant 1.4g
Your all so true....even in the professional it sucks.I had a good friend loose his life over a 4" ball.He had a 54 and did shows professionally but he let his guard down on his own property having a family get together......#1 his own stupidity # 2 he was drinking.....he had a hang fire and looked down the tube with a went off,hitting him in the head and sending skull frags through his brain.Killed him instantly in front of all his family and friends.It was a shame cause he was all safety oriented for shows but at home we all agreed he let his guard down and got the better of him.
After watching some youtube videos where a kid pulls a 5" shell out from under his bed or keeps 3" salutes in his bedroom closet. I have to wonder if the availability of overloads suddenly dropped would they just move up to black market 1.3 or be satisfied with 1.4?
i mean we can both talk all day long about how crazy some of these laws are we are governed by... i'd imagine we'd agree on %100 of it.

Yeah I agree, no doubt about it. Very well said Stoney.

not because i'm scared of it... but because i'm scared of the average person getting their hands on them and doing dumb shit.

But shouldn't we at least try to educate? Now a days we hear more about senseless mass shootings than accidentals when it comes to firearms. The reasons are debatable but at least the messages have been heard by many. Outside of the pyro community it's hard to be exposed to safety briefs. Does a video of a watermelon blowing up really matter? I remember seeing pics of what drugs did to people when I was in school in the 80s. That had a profound effect and ingrained images in my mind I would never forget. Those pictures scared me.

I just hope some day the powers that be try to educate people rather than put on a dog and pony on the National Mall and post a YouTube video. The CSPC does not have their priorities in order. We've seen this in the drug world. The government will confiscate as much as they can but they never get it all. I'll never believe confiscation is the solution.
Your all so true....even in the professional it sucks.I had a good friend loose his life over a 4" ball.He had a 54 and did shows professionally but he let his guard down on his own property having a family get together......#1 his own stupidity # 2 he was drinking.....he had a hang fire and looked down the tube with a went off,hitting him in the head and sending skull frags through his brain.Killed him instantly in front of all his family and friends.It was a shame cause he was all safety oriented for shows but at home we all agreed he let his guard down and got the better of him.

shit man thats horrible...

thats the biggest fear i have in this hobby... that catastrophic incident that changes dozens of lives surrounding the person that got hurt.

the video of the kid standing down by the lake... blowing his hand off with the m-80...

i'll never forget that scream, it's something i never want to hear first hand.

But shouldn't we at least try to educate? Now a days we hear more about senseless mass shootings than accidentals when it comes to firearms. The reasons are debatable but at least the messages have been heard by many. Outside of the pyro community it's hard to be exposed to safety briefs. Does a video of a watermelon blowing up really matter? I remember seeing pics of what drugs did to people when I was in school in the 80s. That had a profound effect and ingrained images in my mind I would never forget. Those pictures scared me.

%1000 we should educate. no fear/respect of the consequences is a massive issue in this hobby.

but we should be careful not to flat out lie to people too...

this was a huge problem with the DARE program, when you equate all "drugs" you are telling people that weed is just as bad as heroin and crack and meth...

the inherent danger there being that when the kid smokes his first joint... and finds out all the propaganda was complete nonsense... they start thinking that the other "drugs" are just fine as well.

it's dangerous thinking.

I just hope some day the powers that be try to educate people rather than put on a dog and pony on the National Mall and post a YouTube video. The CSPC does not have their priorities in order. We've seen this in the drug world. The government will confiscate as much as they can but they never get it all. I'll never believe confiscation is the solution.

the video i saw last year or two... where they just melted the face off a styrofoam dummy head with a cone fountain...

thats the kind of stuff that makes it look silly.

nobody is holding their face over a cone fountain for the entire duration...

but thats what "the professionals" think people need to see to scare them.

it's ridiculous.
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I think when it comes to accidents, weather you want to talk about 1.4, overloads it comes down to 2 over riding factors. Not "Using under adult supervision" or intoxicated or high when using. So- do you blame the firework OR do you blame the individuals that were using them?

Well- you can't fix stupid. So, when they get the overloads off the market- they will turn to anything beside safe and sane. And then they will be after that.

If I want a Thunderking or Baby "B"- I will just buy that. Overloads are just expensive. But someone will always want them because they want to be the "Big man on the block". Even using "legal" 1.4 cakes When you see a accident happen in this scenario- people were too close, and that can and will happen in the best of situations. Distance is your friend.

When we start taking the "police" aspect on everything- IF someone has a can of beer or smokes a joint and gets out in their car, are they buzzed up? Do we call the cops? What we say and do sometimes conflict.

The CPSC is never happy with anything- they have to prove the country needs them which gives them a job. Remember the metal issue last year? Too loud? What ever happen to that?

I seen first hand the garbage that happened at Schneitters in 99. Glider bombs, Howling tigers, and 1 other- had to take the labels off- sell as 1.3. They were lame to say the least. Everything they get now has to be tested. It was over reach of the government.

In this hobby- when not using properly people WILL get hurt.

If the CPSC wants to save lives- take on distracted driving! More people are killed each day than all year of fireworks. The problem is that they will have to take on society and the tech giants.
weather you want to talk about 1.4, overloads it comes down to 2 over riding factors. Not "Using under adult supervision" or intoxicated or high when using.

No it doesn’t come down to 2 over riding factors. In this case there was a UXO and lack of education.
You can have all the education on pyrotechnics, but adults giving fireworks to kids without supervision or being intoxicated or high is just as bad.