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flashpowder long term stability


New member
Aug 2020

So, I was browsing online for while hoping to find somewhat decent statement about flashpowder stability. I have not found satisfactory answer so I hope someone has some experience or knowledge to share :).

So my problem is, that I made rather large firecracker using thicc paper tube and Mg + KMnO4 (stochiometric rario) flashpowder, and I kinda forgot about it and it has been few months storted in dry, dark room. So, is it still stable? or will it blow up as soon as I come near it. I have found many sources claiming flashpowder to be rather unstable and sensitive. But it is always Al based flashpowder, and usually with sulfur and some chlorate. One site mentioned that KMnO4 flashpowders are unstable.

Yet, my experience is completely different. I usually had problems that the flashpowder would not ignite (easily or at all) depending on my ratio, and it never seemed to be shock or friction sensitive at all (even with the ratio that ignited easily).

So... is Mg+KMnO4 sensitive? And cloud the sensitivity increase with time / more moisture being sucked by hydroscopic KMnO4?
I don't know, but personally I would err on the safe side. If you don't know, shoot it and be done with it. And by "know", I am not referring to "somebody posted an opinion online". I know a lot of builders, and they use the standard formulations for good reason: they know how the resulting comps will behave.
join yes there are other free forums but imo this is an interest that deserves that small investment